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Post truth times at 25th Raindance film festival, London
On 27, Sep 2017 | No Comments | In Sin categoría | By Héctor Carré
Así presentamos post truth times en el Raindance con una acogida muy calurosa.
Trailer 3 We the media en América.
On 16, Jul 2015 | No Comments | In Sin categoría | By Héctor Carré
New trailer of We the media after the shooting in the U.S.A.
I had the privilege to interview a few journalists who had a lot to say about journalism. In the picture above you see Bill Kovach co author of the famous book The Elements of journalism, in Washington D.C.
We the media, Trailer II
On 08, Abr 2015 | No Comments | In Sin categoría | By Héctor Carré
Here you can see a secondary trailer of We the media, a documentary film about the craft of journalism. It was elaborated after a few weeks shooting inside «El mundo» one of the principal newspapers of the world in Spanish language.
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O problema da identificación (II)
On 09, Feb 2015 | No Comments | In Sin categoría | By Héctor Carré
Cando un escritor, director ou produtor deciden facer unha película teñen, ou deberían ter, moi en conta se a audiencia vai identificarse cos seus personaxes.
(El texto en castellano despues de la versión gallega)
O taller dun artista
On 16, Dic 2014 | No Comments | In Fotografía, Sin categoría | By Héctor Carré
Tiven a sorte de visitar o taller de Victor López-Rúa, que ademais de veciño é un magnífico pintor.
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